
Monday, October 22, 2012

Christmas approaching

I'm very excited to announce that F-B*mb Clothing & Alterations will be participating in my VERY FIRST Christmas Craft Fair! I'll be making a ton of Boobie Hats & reusable christmas & non-christmas coffee sleeves. Perhaps some PJs pants and simple quilts if time allows!

A reminder that cut off for Christmas orders is December. 1, and something to keep in mind, buy more, save more! Definitely we can talk discount for large orders.

Ok, food break and then back to crafting, thanks for reading <3


Unknown said...

I'm going to that fair. Yahoo we will be together. There are site a couple tables at the North Oyster Hall to if you want. Is four days and its the weekend before the Legion.

Unknown said...

I'm worried enough about not having enough stock for the one on the 24th lol. I'll see how I do with this one and maybe I will look into year round craft fairs...Or finally stock up my store ;)